Saturday, January 16, 2010

Shifted to New Blog

Hello Frens,

I have shifted to a new blog!
Please do keep in touch and keep Blogging!!

Here's the link..

Moments through the Journey!!-->


Friday, January 1, 2010

Here Comes 2010!

First and foremost Wish you all a Very Happy New Year! Let all your dreams come true!

What a year 2009 has been! Filled with fun, emotions, hard work, success, failure and what not! Its been a total package I must say. There are many things going on in my mind right now which as of now I cannot publish. As and when time comes I shall try my best to put forth all those things which went through me during the year 2009!

No New year resolutions this time round! :P You make resolutions and don't follow them! So better is don't make any :) I am happy for just one thing now, What ever has happened in 2009 has helped me improve myself in all possible fronts and has made me dream more n more.

" Believe in yourself and in GOD, Success is sure to follow you."

Happy New Year! God Bless..
